Mike's pictureMeet Mike Mulcahy, a 33 year-old advertising and marketing man and a true Tone House OG.  (*editor’s note: Mike’s first class was 4/26/14 and he’s taken roughly 441 classes – whoa, baby.)

Here’s why Mike keep coming back to the Turf…

WHAT WAS YOUR FITNESS ROUTINE (PRIOR TO TONE HOUSE)?  Varied – a mix of weight-training and indoor cycling.

HOW OFTEN DO YOU TRAIN AT TONE HOUSE?  3 – 5 times per week 

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN COMING TO TONE HOUSE? Proud to say I’ve been hitting the Turf for almost three years.  Rough calculation is 2 years, 7 months. 

WHAT OTHER WORKOUTS DO YOU DO WEEKLY? I still do cycling from time to time, and weight-training or Barry’s. 

HOW DID YOU FIRST HEAR ABOUT TONE HOUSE? Randomly via the original signage outside 17th Street studio highlighting this “new workout”. I went home, saw the website/overview (and all the toys) and knew I wanted to try out the class.

REASON FOR COMING TO CLASS INITIALLY/ FITNESS GOALS? I was looking for a workout that would help me get stronger while keeping a high level of aerobic intensity. Needless to say my definition of “high level of intensity” was much different at that time. 

FAVORITE TONE HOUSE CLASS?   It starts and ends with Conditioning Day – the class I love to hate.

FAVORITE TONE HOUSE “TOY” (EQUIPMENT) TO USE IN CLASS:  Sleds – I had no idea they were so versatile. 

The environment also creates a fantastic sense of accountability – to show up, be present, and give your all each and every class. 

WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT TONE HOUSE THAT MAKES IT DIFFERENT FROM OTHER GYMS/WORKOUTS?  It’s a special three-part recipe… 1) the teammates: the athletes you work out with everyday who provide such an amazing amount of support. 2) the coaches: killer DJs who each have their own special ways to motivate you and make a class of 20 feel like a personal training session. 3) the creativity – Alonzo is a mad scientist on the Turf – you never know what new move or drill might be unleashed on any given day.

Alonzo is a mad scientist on the Turf, you never know what new move or drill might be unleashed on any given day.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR VERY FIRST TONE HOUSE WORKOUT: It was all a blur after I heard the words “up, back, and drop”. The now famous Tone House warm-up crushed me, and I remember wondering if I would be followed outside if I made a mad dash for the door.  

AS A TONE HOUSE OG, WHAT ARE THE BIGGEST CHANGES YOU’VE SEEN SINCE YOU STARTED COMING TO TONE HOUSE? Everyone keeps getting better! Tone House continues to find creative ways to up the ante in terms of the workouts at TH NoMad, and the classes continue to crush them. It is both frightening and exciting to think about how the workouts will continue to evolve. 

PICK ONE: 17TH STREET OR NOMAD LOCATION?  Tough question, as the 31st Street Palace, is amazing. But I have to choose the 17th Street location where it all began – I think it should have been preserved as an exhibit for posterity once Tone House’s world domination is complete as “the 2nd floor where the Circle Drill was born”.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TONE HOUSE MEMORY? It would have to be my first weekday morning class at 17th Street – a Tuesday Upper Body Day class that only included myself and Coach Zack Daley. A two-person class! It was unlike any other fitness experience. I had never heard of “plyometric pushups” and there was nowhere to hide.  But after the class, I was officially hooked. (And it was also the only time I’ve ever seen Coach Zo recommend rest during a class.)

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO SOMEONE WHO NEVER HAD THE PRIVILEGE OF TRAINING AT THE 17TH STREET LOCATION?  That they would be surprised how hard you can work in a smaller space…and that there was a time when classes used to end with an ab circuit instead of your tenth Circle Drill! Magical times. 

WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE ALONZO SAYING?  “Fun and Adventure” – words that now have a completely different meaning to all Tone House athletes.

IF YOU COULD HIT THE TURF WITH ANYONE WHO WOULD IT BE? I’m taking a two-parter on this one – living and no longer with us.  I think having Usain Bolt come and work out on the Turf would be amazing and I want to see his gallop form. And then Jack Lalanne – one of the true fitness OG’s. 

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

Interested in contributing your story to our next Meet The Team profile?
Please email us at steph.holm@tonehouse.com with MEET THE TEAM in the subject line to nominate yourself or a teammate.

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